School Children Cyber Safety Project | Kenya | Use of ICT in a safe and secure cyber environments: Empower the children with online safety knowledge to recognise and optimise their full potential using technology *Set up an information portal accessible via the Internet that will be used as a reference tool for the program *Create awareness to children on the cyber environment and the associated risks *Create awareness on measure to reduce exposure to risks *Provide an avenue for guidance and support in the event of incident occurrence *Involve children in Internet Governance discussions within their respective communities |
Devt | Reginald Nalugala | Asonga Kuchio Foundation |
Improvement of Aquaculture productivity and income of Fishers in Ghana | Ghana | *Development of a mobile technology platform which provides services to farmers to enable them have relevant and timely agricultural information and market access *Provide fish farmers the opportunity to access finance and guaranteed markets *Deliver timely and relevant best aquaculture practices including market prices, weather, inputs suppliers and weather information in their own local language in order to improve productivity, income and autonomy |
Access/Innov/Devt | Alloysius Attah, Emmanuel Addai, Worlali Senyo, Joel Budu, Amos Wussah, Schandorf Adu Bright | Farmerline Ltd |
Citizens Jury | Nigeria | *Development of an application designed to drive participation amongst citizens across communities to allow them participate actively in the democatric process: Citizens register/login via emails and subsequently track performance of budgets using pictures, videos as evidences to give updates/monitor progress *Provision of an enriched platform (mobile and online) for citizens to access government budget detailing expenditure per community (State/Federal) |
Devt | Oluwaseun Fakuade, Frederick Adetiba | Beacons Development Foundation |
Problem-based-E-Learning System Development for Use in Agricultural Training and Extension | Kenya | *Developing a problem-based-e-learning system to supplement agricultural school based training and agricultural extension services *Providing a new platform in the region aimed at improving user knowledge and skills in agriculture through the use of contemporary web-based technologies employing problem-based learning and utlising social media, rich interactve multimedia and digital storytelling |
Devt | Prof James Ambani Kulubi | Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology |
Cape Verde Tourism | Cape Verde | * Development of a mobile application, to provide touristic information about the country, including: hotels, restaurants, historic sites, monuments, etc | Innov/Devt | Isaias Barreto Da Rosa | University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde |
CyCy - Internet for All. Anytine. Anywhere | Zimbabwe | * Provision of a new wireless HotSpot service based on a new business model for the provision of internet services — one that grants free access to a high-speed and reliable internet service in exchange for watching a 30 second commercial * Development of a two key component business model: - CyCy Cloud platform: a cloud-hosted HotSpot management solution. The software will be hosted using Amazon Web Services (AWS); - CyCy Advertising platform: allowing to run multi-platform ad campaigns enabling advertisers to deliver their advertising messages to users anytime and anywhere, and providing a unique advertising opportunity |
Access/Innov/Devt | Tendai Sixpence Nyasha Mutize |
Freewire Networks (Pvt) Ltd |
TaxiMobile | Cameroon | * Development of a SMS and Web platform linking users and taxi drivers in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon) | Devt | Bruno Souop Soufo | Novazen |
MILLIME | Tunisia | * Development of a platform "" allowing Tunisian people to perform micro donations to predefined associations certified by a platform * Setting up of partnerships with banks and telecommunications operators to enable donors to automate their micro donations through transactions with their credit cards |
Devt | Adel Alaya | TEC4DEV |
Android Application to identify and track the states of damaged infrastructures | Cote d'Ivoire & Morocco | * Promote citizen action * Development of a mobile android application to identify damaged or degraded infrastructures, report to avoid dangers and show the public authorities the rapair follow up |
Devt/Innov | Nadège Dandou | CHALA |
SmartEco | Tunisia | * Development of a platform that helps organisations, communities and individuals to promote and market their products. * Provision of an online store offering various ecotourism products in tunisia, an accessible and cheap window for the marketing without much knowledge in computer science or business strategy window. |
Devt | Majdi Calboussi | TEN |
Cyber Champion | Cote d'Ivoire | * Production of a TV game show to educate youth on the proper use of the Internet , based on its culture and the popularisation of its applications * TV quiz devoted to proper use of Internet tools, knowledge and understanding of ICTs (ICT News, useful Applications and concepts, useful tips discovery) |
Devt | Ana Carina Apoque | Competences Ltd |